216.8 million

Social media Fans


Worldwide audience


5 million 


Channel /41520

Channel /41521

Channel /41523

Channel /41522

Channel /41525

Channel /41524


30 mn




Reach an audience of 201 million people

worldwide across different platforms. 


90 million

50 million

75.8 million



per month


After my cinematographic studies at the departmental institute of the French cinema conservatory in Paris (France), I produced and directed long time ago my first short film : "Sinimory, the lesson of a heritage" on the origin of music and the importance of sound frequencies in African culture. Giving special prominence to the authentic social fabric of traditional practices and rites that music holds in African society and ethnic groups.

The movie was immediately selected among 3,500 films submitted worldwide to the jury of the festival and International Short Film Market of Palm Springs California, in the United States of America. The work was ranked among the 100 best documentaries on culture and development.

The documentary also catches the attention of the Africana film library of Northwestern University of Illinois in Chicago, which bought it for its research programs. I am then officially invited to the USA.

I landed in New York with fierce determination and a clear goal: to one day create a multimedia group and a television channel.

Over the years PLANET MEDIA TVSAT became an obsession and I vowed never to give up no matter what. Until one good day a divine intervention occured in the person of NINA a young American Lady who breathes life into the project through her financial and material  support. A true Angel. You have to know how to recognize them when your paths cross.

Indeed, this happy ending has been possible thanks to the tremendous contribution of trusted friends who supported the project to the hilt since day one. My sincere, special and deepest thanks go to my Dear NINA for her "life saving" input. I also would want to particularly thank in no particular order my friends and associates GOMET Roger Arnaud, the late Herve CORNUEL, Abou THIAM, Vicky well, Louise MAHELA, BARRY A. Houdoussi, Adrianna BRIDGE, Rebecca THIAM, Brilize Elisabeth BAKONGA who stood by me in the most difficult time when no one would and help me to take the vision of PM-TVSAT to a higher level. Thank you again for staying on board. 

It was the cross and the banner in America full of opportunities, but also "ruthless and cruel". My faith in GOD, hard work and courage were my only shields. It has been a bumpy roads at times.


135+ countries


Worldwide Audience

216.8 million

Release date: coming soon

Release date: coming soon

Release date: coming soon

Release date: coming soon

TITLE: Uncovering a controversial theory suggesting speculation that DAKOTA unique architectural style exceeds 19th century construction capabilities.

DATE / RUNNING TIME: August 1-30, 2024 (12 minutes)

TITLE: They mocked the white man for marrying a mass woman from Kenya

DATE/TIME: 1-30 August 2024  (40 minutes)